Ok tell me to shut up now....
No??? Well then here it goes. I saw this picture as I was looking through facebook and thought hmmmmmm. Hello, my name is OPPORTUNITY...In times of hardships we say yeah right! What kind of opportunity comes at us with loss of job, death of a loved one, inability of having children, you fill in the blank(s) ___________? Whatever it is we sit in the middle of it saying “Why me”, “How is this fair” or “Why not them?” It is hard to step out of our current situation and look at things objectively.
I have a phrase I like to use – "It's Hard to See Heaven through Hell." Yes, thank you, I made it up all myself. Anyway, some of the things we go through are hell! None of us are immune to it. Life is what it is! Full of experiences some fun, some… well not so fun…but every experience walks up to us with its name badge proudly stuck to its chest saying, "HELLO, I am OPPORTUNITY."
The trick is to look up! Look up! Look up! If you hang your head in discouragement you will not be able to see opportunity. It is true for all situations…no matter how long it seems to last. It is hard I know! The outcome might not be what you thought but it will always be better if you just look up!
Now don’t get me wrong. I am not on the other side of hard experiences. I am still right in the middle of mine. I have to look up everyday and I force my head up in the evening. Sometimes it is a real challenge. But we do it to make it through! We do it to survive we do it because there is no other option. We slip yes, we stay in bed a little longer, we yell a little louder, we lash out or we sit down to a big bowl of ice cream and drowned our sorrow. Sometimes we let the phone ring because we just don’t want to talk.
The important thing is we catch ourselves, we stand up, we pull back the drapes and let the light in and say SCREW IT! I CAN do this! We rise up, look the experience in the eye for the second, third or fourth time to find the opportunity and move forward with a battle cry that might last for a second, a day, a week or maybe, just maybe this time a lifetime.
I am sorry for my soapbox! Understand we move together! For there will be a time I need you. I hope if I could lift you today you will be there to lift me tomorrow.
Give me your hurrah! Comment below… If you have positive words leave them below. If you want to say, Jared this is bull or this is too hard, do so as well!

Insight of a father and mother of six, blessed by adoption three times, providing support, humor and a powerful online resource. Until the official online resource is available please like us on facebook at facebook.com/connectadopt and help us change the world of adoption. Jared and Tricia help others touched by adoption by opening their thoughts and experiences with adoption. If the service can't help, the laughter might.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
It is Hard to See Heaven through Hell
Thanks for sharing my adoption journeys,
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I am captivated by your entertaining discussion of reality. Thanks for sharing!
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