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Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Real Power of Choice

I sat in bed this morning enjoying the tranquility that comes when the whole family is still asleep. This is a rare blessing of serenity that I enjoy as a father of a family of eight. I laid in bed trying to motivate myself to get up-and-at'em in hopes that somehow at the the end of the day I would be conqueror rather than conquered.

As I was running through my mental list of things I needed to accomplish today sounds of creaking beds and the stomp, stomp, stomping of playful feet interrupted me (they have never been pitter-pattery????). In this moment I was again thankful for those mothers that placed the lives of their children over their own. I thought of their personal choice. A choice I am sure was not easy. A choice I am sure brought and continues to bring deep ache. A choice that was unselfish. A choice of love.

 In a day that is filled with selfishness and self promotion it is easy to call out "THIS IS MY LIFE! AND THE CHOICES I MAKE ARE MINE AND MINE ALONE!" I agree I have the right of choice. I am an agent unto myself . I can chose happiness or I can chose sorrow. I am the creator of my own destiny and with that I need no permission or to excuse myself in the least. But our choices or not ours alone. Yes we are free to make them for ourselves and by ourselves. But every choice we make sends out a ripple that can be felt by those around us. It maybe felt as a hiccup, a bump or an earthquake. It might not be noticed today but but might cause a great impact tomorrow. For good or bad. It is up to us to make the choice that is the right choice. The choice that might cause pain today but bring happiness tomorrow.

Today on National Adoption Day I am grateful for women who placed a child's choice to live above their own self choice. It might have been easier for these women to listen to the world and call out "Pro Choice" then extinguish the light of a child. Extinguishing a light that has brought so much brightness and warmth into the world. A light that continues to grow each day and change the world that has been gifted to them by this selfless act of love.

These children of mine have come to me through tough choices. Choices many of us are not willing to make. Choices that we will never understand and will not be able to comprehend the pain that follows those who have made them. I will not pretend I know the pain...I cannot. There are some dark valley's that I know I could not walk through.

I am grateful that you chose life over death. I do not have much to offer you except that I would want you to know that your children are loved, they are valued. I hope to raise them in such a way that they will come to know the power of choice and the freedom that comes through the acts of charity. Know that they are experiencing life with all their ups and downs. Know that I will always be there for them, they have all of my love. They will always have my love in the brightest of days and the darkest of nights. Please do not have sorrow. Your choice has given so much light to so many people. I thank you for not choosing the worlds selfish call to live life only for yourself. I thank you for your ability to see the value of life and the real meaning of choice. I thank you not only today but I thank your for eternity. God bless you! God bless you!

Thanks for sharing my adoption journeys,
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Thanks for sharing my adoption journeys,


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