I center myself by walking around graveyards. If I am driving and I happen to pass a cemetery I will pull in, park my car and walk. I take time to stop by as many grave markers as I can. I read each marker and then make sure to read the surrounding markers. I have seen young couples that have left behind precious little ones, I have seen little ones that have left their parents, I have seen parents and spouses finally unite with those that lay beside them after several decades of being apart. I have seen markers of mothers that had laid several of their children to rest to somehow continue through their life only to be found sharing the same ground with their children. Most of these markers are old and have no flowers surrounding them, because those that might have remembered those events are now found a short distance partaking in the same sleep.
I sit and imagine the pain of the somber day that must have rested on the shoulders of all those present. The weight of wondering will the day pass, can I make it through and the repeating question of why? Why? WHY?!? I am sure that this is not the path that any of those living or those that are resting was eager to take.
I think of the poem of Dylan Thomas that says
"Rage, rage against the
dying of the light...
Do not go gentle into that good night."
When going though paths that I did not think I would have to travel I think of this video. I am sure you have seen it but it is always worth watching again.
We all journey this life with high hopes and big dreams. There our moments that we win the race, there are other moments where we are glad the race is over and then there are those moments that we fall and do not want to get back up. There are those moments that we think if we just stay down it will stop the hurt. But that is not true! Pain will come and pain will go! However, if we give into the pain it will be our master it will bind us down, it will chain us to failure. It will control and direct our lives because we are not willing to believe in our possibilities it will remove our faith and replace it with fear! And Fear is demobilizing.
Life is not always sunshine and rainbows. We must keep moving forward. At times it is only inches but inches are what miles are made of. We have to believe something different can happen if only we continue to move forward. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We must make the choice we must decide. We move forward not to be the best in the world but to become the best that we can be. We must fight to stand in the light when all we see is darkness. We must fight our way back in the light. We must Fight our way out of HELL! Take the hits and keep moving forward.
It is your actions that calls out to the world
I will show you how powerful I am
What are we going to do?
We are going to move. Yes, in pain if we have to! But we will move.
If you are down today do something to get up.
If you can not get to your feet
then to your knees
if not to your knees then
prop yourself up.
If you are up and on your feet today
look around for those struggling
to get up or those that are waiting for the count down to call them out and
go to them and be their shoulder to lean on.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
You can do this! We can do this!
Your Journey will never end so make the most of it.
Because the Joy is Truly in the Journey!
Thanks for sharing my adoption journeys,
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